
We're Hiring!

Are you interested in working for one of the best major trucking companies around?

As a Responsible Care® Partner Carrier, Quest Liner is uniquely focused on safety, health, security, and environmental sustainability in our operations. Safety is more than a priority with Quest Liner, it is one of our Core Values.

This commitment is established in our Mission Statement and supported by our teammate’s new and recurrent training programs and verified by our outstanding safety performance.

Truck Driver Safety

Quest Liner has a stringent process for selecting drivers. We take experience, training, driving records, background checks, drug and alcohol testing, and several other factors into serious consideration to ensure we put only qualified people behind the wheel.

Once a driver is hired and becomes a part of the Quest Liner team, regardless of their experience level, they undergo our company orientation program followed by detailed driver training and continually receive refresher training courses regarding trucking safety. We provide driver safety meetings as well as on line safety training on a quarterly basis.

Trucking Safety Equipment

Vehicle and equipment inspection and maintenance is a big focus at Quest Liner. Ensuring our vehicles are operating safely at all times is a critical component of our safety program and is essential to following best safety practices and ensuring safety on the road.

For this reason, we have highly qualified personnel performing daily maintenance, inspections, and repairs – all of which are properly documented.

We also utilize current technology with tools like:

  • Satellite trailer tracking and location technology
  • Lane departure warning system
  • On-Guard forward sensing radar crash avoidance
  • RSS – Roll Stability System
  • Tolling transponders for all major tollways
  • Smart APP driver assistance
  • Electronic Logs
    • Submission of driver paperwork
    • Load dispatching with automated flow
    • EOBR (electronic on-board record) and driver communications

CSA Compliance

We operate in compliance with Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA), an enforcement program of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

This rating system helps us watch numbers closely, monitor overall issues, and help you manage your safety record.

We work to help our drivers successfully follow CSA guidelines:

  • No speeding
  • Conduct thorough pre/post trip inspections
  • Repair vehicle problems as soon as possible
  • Plan and execute regular preventative maintenance
  • Keep records and paperwork up to date, such as:
    • E-log signoffs
    • Data sheets
    • License
    • Medical certificate/card
  • Driver app streamlines processes

Recognizing Safety Performance

Drivers with good safety records get recognized and rewarded. Some of the ways we celebrate safety include:

  • Annual driver appreciation day events and gifts
  • Quarterly driver incentives based on safety (includes CSA), service, and other criteria
  • Annual safety awards
  • Clean DOT inspection incentives

Contact Us

Interested in driving for Quest Liner or hiring us as your trucking company? Contact us today for more information.


gallery-4For solutions that work for your company’s unique customer needs and requirements, you don’t need to look any further. Quest Liner is an industry leading source of safe and dependable bulk transportation services. Contact us today to discuss how we may serve you.

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